10 Best Household Cleaners for Silverware

Are you tired of seeing your silverware tarnished with brown stains? It’s time to start cleaning it. This article will teach you how to clean all your different types of silver items. You’ll be amazed at the results! Here are some great household cleaners for silverware: vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, and saltwater. Use these methods to quickly shine up any type of silversmithing in your home today!

You can’t have a shiny car without shining up the chrome on the outside. Likewise, if you want that sparkle back on the dinner table or in your jewelry box, then read this article about the 10 best household cleaners for silverware!

Vinegar is probably one of the most common household products in existence. There are very few homes in the world that don’t have a bottle of vinegar sitting in their kitchen cabinet. Because vinegar can beat stains caused by anything from rust to mold, it’s perfect for helping you clean silverware!

Be sure to boil water in your kettle before using any type of vinegar on your silverware, and rinse thoroughly afterward. This will get rid of the harsh smell left behind by regular white vinegar.

Your best bet would be to soak tarnished silverware overnight inside a container filled with half water and half white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar for foolproof results. You can also make a paste out of baking soda and lemon juice (about 2 tablespoons of each) and then spread it over the silverware. Let that paste sit for about an hour, before using another soft rag to wipe off any residual baking soda/lemon juice mixture.

Be aware that vinegar can damage fine silver so you should avoid using it on your best pieces of sterling silver flatware. You should instead use a commercial cleaner that has been designed specifically for cleaning sterling silverware.

how to clean silver

Peroxide is both cheap and effective at removing tarnish from many different types of items including silverware, jewelry, coins, even pennies! You will need hydrogen peroxide (which you can find at any local drug store), cotton balls (or pieces of cloth), aluminum foil (), and an old toothbrush (it’s probably in your bathroom if you have one).

First off, you need to prepare a cleaning solution. Pour 1 part hydrogen peroxide into a container and add in 3 parts water. Soak the silverware in this solution overnight (or for at least six hours), and then complete the cleanup with the old toothbrush.

Rinse well afterward and dry completely before storing. You may find that some silverware is too antiquated or fragile for hydrogen peroxide; these pieces should instead be soaked in baking soda and water for about 30 minutes. Finally, wipe off using a cloth dampened with lemon juice to give it an extra shine!

Saltwater can also remove tarnish from silver-plated flatware. You will need salt, water, and a brush. First, mix the salt into the warm water until it dissolves completely (you may need to use more or less than 1 cup of water). Then soak or brush your silverware with the solution and leave it on for about 10 minutes before cleaning off with either a wet piece of cloth or a sponge. You can also add lemon juice into the cleaning solution as well as vinegar to give an extra shine after you have finished.

cleaning silver forks

You should clean smaller items such as forks and spoons under running hot tap water once every week, just to prevent tarnish from building up over time. Rinse them well so that no soap residue is left behind which can dull any type of silver finish. Dry immediately afterward using a soft cloth.

Moisten a soft cloth with mineral oil and rub it onto your silverware for about 10 seconds to make them shine again. Be sure to buff off any pieces that are heavily tarnished using either another clean cloth or sponge. You may need to repeat this process if there are still some spots left behind on the silverware, especially if they haven’t been cleaned in a long time. Mineral oil isn’t really good for removing completely stubborn tarnish though, so you will probably want to pick another method instead.

Finally, white vinegar is actually an excellent cleaning agent for polishing up silverware as well as other items inside your home including candlesticks and copper pots! Just pour some white vinegar into a bowl filled with warm water and soak for 15 to 30 minutes before using a sponge or cloth to wipe off. Repeat this process as many times as necessary until you have removed all of the tarnish from your silverware, and then wash it clean under running water.