How to Clean a TV Screen

It’s important to clean your TV screen regularly, not just for aesthetic reasons, but also because it will help to improve the image quality. You can use a variety of different methods to clean your screen, including using a vacuum cleaner, a microfiber cloth, and a special TV screen cleaner. In this article, we’ll discuss the steps involved to clean your TV screen with tips.

Step 1. Vacuum your screen

There are a few ways to vacuum your TV screen. One is to use the crevice tool on your vacuum cleaner to get into the tight spaces around the edges of the screen. Another is to use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment. Another method that works well is to place a piece of paper or cardboard around the nozzle of your vacuum cleaner and then turn it on while pointing it downwards. Start at the top of your screen and work your way down.

Step 2. Wipe the screen with a microfiber cloth



A microfiber cloth is ideal for cleaning TV screens, as it will not leave any streaks or scratches. Simply wipe the screen, again, top to bottom in straight lines. You can also use a slightly dampened microfiber cloth if there are any stubborn smudges or stains.


Step 3. Use Special cleaners

special tv cleaners

There are a few different types of special cleaners made specifically for TV screens. These cleaners usually come in a spray bottle and can be used to clean fingerprints, smudges, and other dirt from the screen.

It is recommended to use antistatic spray designed for TVs, which is safer than glass cleaners and won’t leave any streaks behind. They’re available from most electronics stores, and some supermarkets may also sell them.

Special cleaners for TV screens are ammonia-free, and they won’t damage the screen as some window cleaners can. They’re also easy to use – simply spray onto the screen and wipe off with a microfiber cloth in straight lines from top to bottom.

Do not spray too much cleaner on your screen, as it can drip down and cause damage. If you want to use a window cleaner for this purpose, make sure that you only use a non-ammonia type or distilled water.

Avoid using paper towels or tissues because they will leave behind lint which is very difficult to remove from the screen. Be sure to read the instructions carefully before using any special cleaner, as some may be harmful if ingested.


Cleaning your TV screen is important for both aesthetic and image quality reasons. In this article, we’ve outlined the steps involved in cleaning your TV screen, as well as some tips to make the process easier. You can use a variety of methods to clean your screen, including using a vacuum cleaner, a microfiber cloth, and special TV screen cleaners. Be sure to read the instructions carefully before using any method, and always test any cleaner on an inconspicuous area of the screen first. If you follow these tips, your TV screen will be clean and smudge-free.