How to Do a Post-Renovation Cleaning Right

Your renovation doesn’t end when the job is done.

The messy business of construction means you’re invariably left with a mess to clean up afterward.

You can attempt this yourself but do you really have the time and patience to clean up properly?

Hiring the best post-renovation cleaning service in Toronto will ensure every inch of your new construction is spotlessly clean.

What does that mean exactly? Glad you asked…


Attention to Detail

post-renovation cleaning

If you’ve ever been around any sort of renovation, you’ll know the amount of dust is created.

If the construction has been going for weeks or even months, dust will gather like snow on the ground and find its way into every nook and cranny.

To get rid of this dust entirely requires specialized vacuums and trained cleaners to extract dust and debris from hard-to-reach areas like walls, beams, trusses, pipes, ceilings, and lighting fixtures.

You don’t just clean the areas you can see, but get inside and behind cupboards and drawers.

Blinds and shutters are often removed to get those hard to reach places. Even door hinges, handles, and locks can hold dust which needs to be extracted.

Once complete, you still need to use microfiber cleaning materials to get every last grain of dirt.

To achieve this sort of deep clean, you must work systematically throughout the entire area with meticulous attention to detail. Leftover dust could get into electrical equipment, or worse, inhaled by those working or living in the area.

Caked on paint, mud, and stickers can also be a challenge to remove. Paint is a particular challenge because you want to remove the stain without damaging the surface beneath.

You have to choose the right chemical for the surface you are cleaning or you may end up with more of a mess than when you started!

Just had new tiles installed? Making sure grouting lines are clean and removing cement which has spilled over onto the tiles can take hours. You need to make sure when removing the cement that you don’t scratch or damage the tiles.

Washrooms and kitchen areas will usually require the removal of bacteria, grime, lime scale, and mold build-up on tiles, mirrors, and fixtures. This type of cleaning usually involves chemicals which can be harmful if not handled correctly.


Why Hire a Post-Renovation Cleaning Service?

post-renovation cleaning

If you want post-renovation cleaning done right, you have to call in the professionals.

Domestic vacuums and cleaning products just won’t do the job properly and, will most certainly take you a lot longer to get a sub-par result.

If you work a full-time job, a post-renovation will likely take up your evenings or a weekend to clean up the mess.

Even just a single room renovation like a bathroom or kitchen can leave you with an overwhelming clean-up operation.

You may even end up calling a cleaning service when you realize the amount of work you’re in for.

Do you really want that headache? Of course not.


For your free, no-obligation quote,
Contact The Cleaning Company today.