How to Clean Suede

Suede is a delicate fabric that should be cleaned with special care. You should never use water or a wet cloth to clean suede-this will only cause the fabric to become stained and wet. Instead, you should use a dry cloth to brush away any dirt or dust, then use a suede protectant to keep the fabric looking new!

Typically, suede is a grayish-tan color. This is the natural color of the fabric, and some companies have tried to improve sales by dying it. In order to protect this new dye job from fading or getting ruined, you should never use leather soap on your suede shoes or boots. Leather soap can be incredibly damaging to dyed fabrics because it contains harsh chemicals that strip away the dye and give off fumes that damage delicate fabrics.

shoe care

Instead, try using a suede cleaning kit like Suede Brush Cleaner and Protector. A clean brush will easily remove dust and smudges, and the protector will keep the suede resistant to dirt and stains! It’s easy as one-two-three: simply brush, spray, and wipe. With this new kit, you’ll have a clean suede article of clothing every time!

If a little dirt gets on your suede shoes or boots, don’t fret! Just use a soft-bristled brush to gently remove the debris. A used toothbrush works well for this too because it has stiffer bristles that can get rid of tough pieces. You may also want to try using an eraser-a pencil eraser is best because it’s not as messy as some other options. Try scrubbing in small circles to make sure you’re cleaning all over the surface of the fabric.


cleaning suede boots

Some types of clothing are trickier to clean than others. If your suede garment tends to be more difficult to clean, try using a suede cleaner that is safe for the washing machine or dryer. This will ensure that your clothes don’t shrink! Bleaching Bleaches are particularly dangerous for certain types of fabrics. Never use bleach on your suede-even if it is labeled as “suede safe”. Suedes can be damaged by many different household chemicals, so always read the manufacturer’s instructions before using any cleaning product.


Once you’re done cleaning your piece of suede clothing, make sure it has time to air dry completely. Placing fabric items in the dryer could lead to shrinking or damage to the material. You should also avoid direct heat like furnaces and space heaters because they could damage the surface of your garment. In general, the best way to clean suede is to use a dry cleaning kit and avoid harsh chemicals at all costs!


If you want to keep your suede looking good, use a dry cloth to brush away any dirt or dust. Then apply a special protectant designed for the fabric’s delicate surface. And don’t forget that using water on suede is always a no-no! If you’re not sure how to care for different fabrics in your home, let us know and we’ll be happy to help out. Our team of experts is ready and waiting with all kinds of tips about caring for delicate items like wool rugs, silk scarves, leather shoes–you name it! What kind of textile do you need help cleaning?